010: Golden Dragon

Back at home, I wondered what to do next. How could I find and defeat Akuma, not with flashlights and force, but with love?

The words of Reina echoed in my mind as I started my journey back to the warehouse. “Feel love, fill with love, see with love.” I took a step, but then something strange happened. I didn’t need to walk. All I had to do was fill my heart with love, wish to move in a certain direction, and I started floating that way.

It was surreal, like something out of a dream. But instead of freaking out, I decided to just embrace it. Guided by my feelings for Rin and Hiroshi, I effortlessly navigated the beautiful yet confusing streets of Tokyo.

Before I knew it, I was back in the warehouse. Without hesitation, I confronted the demon. “Missing something?” I taunted.

I could feel the weight of Akuma’s gaze, but I stood my ground.

“Shall we take this outside?” I challenged.

Akuma’s eyes narrowed, but I could see a hint of curiosity. The battle was about to begin, and I was ready.

The atmosphere outside the warehouse was thick with tension. But it wasn’t mine, I was calm and at peace. As I stepped out, I was immediately hit by a cold, wet mist that seemed to emanate from Akuma’s very presence.

However, as I took another step, I noticed a strange phenomenon. The ground beneath my feet was dry, and the air around me was warm, creating a stark contrast to the cold, wet environment surrounding Akuma. It was as if two worlds were colliding, and the resulting steam made it difficult for anyone to see clearly.

Akuma’s voice, dripping with malice, cut through the mist. “So, the little witch has come out to play,” he sneered, his eyes fixed on me. “You think you are a normal teen, but you can see demons? That makes you one of us, connected to us. Accept your fate and become my servant. Your kind will never accept you.”

I took a deep breath, summoning all the compassion and understanding I could muster. “Akuma,” I began, my voice gentle, “I know you were once a protector, a guardian. You’ve taken on the fears and stresses of humanity, and it’s changed you. But you can be free from this burden.”

Akuma’s eyes widened in surprise, but rather than respond, he lunged at me, his dark claw outstretched.

Time seemed to slow, and then, without a thought, I froze it completely. I don’t really know how I did it, but it must have been some gift due to my session with Reina. The world around me was still, the only movement coming from the steam that was rising from the ground.

I approached him, and my heart filled with love and compassion. It seemed like I now had some kind of superpower, but what they never tell you is that superpowers come with an inner experience of some kind.

First of all, they don’t feel super, just natural, like you are tuned in on some deeper level that already exists, where they make perfect sense. And there is a sort of tingly expansion, like on the molecular level, which results in a deep, silent power, and happiness.

Based in that silence, a radiant love began emanating from my inner being and out through my hands. As our eyes locked in an unspoken connection, I felt an even deeper resonance with Akuma. With a gentle touch, I began to dry him off, and soothe him, warming him from without and within. As I did, I watched in awe as his dark exterior began to crack and drop away, revealing shimmering gold scales beneath.

When I felt that the change was complete, I somehow restarted the flow of time. Akuma stumbled back, his eyes filled with confusion. “What are you doing to me?” he demanded, his voice a mix of fear and wonder.

I stepped closer, my voice soft. “I’m setting you free, Akuma. Thank you for your service, you are free to go.”

As I spoke, more of Akuma’s dark exterior fell away, revealing a magnificent golden dragon beneath. He looked at himself in disbelief, his once fearsome form was now revealed in its true, radiant, and majestic glory.

He stopped for a moment, calmed, then, with a deep sigh, sank to one knee, his head bowed. “For a thousand years, I am your servant,” he declared, his deep voice filled with gratitude.

I approached him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. “No, Akuma. You are not my servant. You are my equal. Together, we will work to free others from the darkness that once consumed you.”

Akuma looked up, golden tears glistening in his eyes. “In the name of the Ancient One, I thank you,” he said, his voice a deep golden rumble.

With that benediction, I too began to change. It actually started as a sort of itch, but soon felt lovely and natural,  as the skin on my arms started to acquire a golden, scaly quality. It felt oddly like armor, and yet silky smooth. 

It seemed that we had become connected in some way, and were blessing each other.

And with that, the two of us, once enemies, began a mission to bring light and hope to a world in need.

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